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(probably) Life Plan

Talking about life could be really fun actually, even though this life is not that fun. Because it has its ups and downs but this is life anyways. That’s what makes it fun, it’s quite interesting to talk about it because life is unpredictable. Things don’t always turn out as what we expected them to be or as we wished nor even as we planned before, sometimes it can surprise us, whether it’s in a good way or otherwise.
We won’t ever be able to predict what will happen tomorrow or even in a few minutes later. Life is really unpredictable.
Maybe that’s the reason why I always keep my hopes and expectations low and I don’t plan things either.
When I say I don’t plan things; yes, I don’t plan things, neither do I have plans for my daily life activity nor even the future.
I’m actually a positive person but I have a negative mind and I’m living with negative thoughts that eat me all alive.
I think it could be fun to have plans for what we’re going to do tomorrow, it could be fun to plan and arrange things, but, whenever I try to do so, I always end up doing something else, I usually let it flow and let myself gets taken away by its self.
I’m always scared that my plans will turn out to something that I never expected before.
Well, that what would I say a year ago, now everything has changed.
In the middle of 2017, I thought about reaching my dream/goal/wish or whatever you call it; I need to attend the concert, at least once in a lifetime.
(I actually planned this since long time ago, I need to attend my favorite artist’s concert, someday.)
I planned to attend the concert and spend my money on it, after I planned it, I took something that can save my money, it was a bottle, I wrote something on it “iKON is coming to town” “WINNER is coming” “BLACKPINK is coming” I felt that I had to do that at that time, well, by doing that, really motivated me, like a lot.
I was always trying to save my money and put it in the bottle because what written on the bottle really gave me a big motivation to keep saving and saving more of my money. My mom gives me money once in a month, I need to manage it well, I’m bad at managing things like using it and saving it, but to think about making it happen; the thing that I’ve been dreaming about, helped me a lot. I saved a lot of money, I used to save it at the end of the month but because of that thing, I saved it earlier and much more. I kept doing it until the beginning of the year.
The schedule hasn’t been informed yet but I’m so excited to spend my money on it. At that time I felt like my dream is finally going to happen really soon. Months have passed and yes, finally I managed to get a ticket for their concert.
It’s been my dream that I really want to make it happen in the future, now, less than months this thing that I planned since a long time ago will finally happen. I couldn’t be more happier.
But, attending the concert will be boring without bringing the lightstick, of course, I don’t have it yet. That’s why I planned to buy it before D-day concert, well, after a month saving, I bought it already, it’ll come really soon, within this week I guess.
This year, 2018, I’m 20 years old and will finally make my plans happen. It feels so unreal yet so real, I guess this is why we need to plan something for our life, so we will have some motivations to keep going and trying to reach it.
I’ve got some plans for this year besides that: I’m going to buy iKON’s new album, it’s the first of October and I’m already saving my money for them and another one is I’m going to buy a new better phone for myself using my money, well, I’m trying. I’m hoping that it will happen before the concert or before the end of this year. I’m trying.
I'll make it happen by saving and saving more money. I really want to get a job this year, I mean not really a full-time worker, just a part-time worker but I don't know how and how do I get started, I'm still searching about it.
2020, two years from now, I’ll be graduate from this university, I'll study harder and give my best so I can graduate really soon. I don't only want to be graduated but I also want to have great grades until the finale so I need to keep it up and try better to make my grades stable, my grades have always been pretty good. I just need to attend every class, do the assignment, and do well for the exams that's how I keep my scores great.
I keep thinking about taking another study to get a higher title and make my parents proud, I really want to study abroad and take scholarship but maybe, I’ll take a little break first and try to find a job to make money and pay for my own things.
Five years from 2018; 2023, I’ll be 25 years old, I have some plans for that age, I’ll go travel abroad with my good friends, and yes, we’ve talked about it, a lot, they said that we really need to do it as soon as possible. At the same time, I’ll attend the concert with them and be hype altogether because just to think about it, makes me so happy already. I can’t wait to make it happen with them.
At that age, I’m sure we all have our great job and we already earn our money by working hard. But the best thing we can do to make it happen is starting to save our money from now on, start it earlier will be so much help for us to make it happen earlier as well.
Still in the same year, I’m hoping to meet my significant other that I can lean on, well, it sounds so cheesy but yes, it is cheesy. But I keep dreaming to meet him before I’m 22. I guess I just need to be more sociable, meet new people, and get to know them and be good friends, that's how people meet their significant other, right? Because it's impossible to meet one when all you do is staying at home the whole week.
I never thought about marriage, to be honest, it’s just not my thing to think about it, but of course, I want to get married, before 26 years old maybe??? I’m not sure. I still don't know how do I make it happen when I don't even believe people actually ended up marrying someone and live with them for the rest of their life. But I guess, before I'm getting married, I need to change my point of view about marriage and things related.
Before I’m getting old, I really want to write a book and release it, maybe soon. I've always been in love with words, I'm not talking about some guys who say such as things to me. I'm talking about words that author or writer write, the way they put their feelings into words, the way they make people feel their emotions by their words, the way they motivate people by their words. I used to express my feelings and emotions through words, I always feel so good after writing it down. Writing a book and releasing it are my biggest dream, I really want to make it happen. I need to learn more about writing so I can make it happen really soon. But actually, I once released a book even though it's for assignment in the 4th semester, a book is still a book, right? I wrote about not so horror and romance story, the title is MIDNIGHT, finishing it feels so good and I'm so proud of myself.

2028, I want to take my sister and my parents to travel abroad, well, writing this hurts me a lot, because while I’m growing up, they’re also growing older, I really want to do this, I want to treat them well before we’re all getting even older and finally die. But I’m so positive about it, I’ll make it happen in a few years from now on, it won’t take a long time. Getting a decent job that pays me a lot and saving money would help me. I'll make it happen.

I can’t think any further for my future plans but yes, I’m trying to plan even a little thing from now on.

I'll edit this and add some things if something popped up in my mind.

Wish me luck.


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