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You're enough.

Oh well, sorry, I'm just too excited to share something with you guys. It's been a while! So, how are you? I hope that you're all good even though your days may be hard sometimes, but it's okay. You're stronger than you think.

Has anyone ever commented on your body shape, skin color, weight and stuff? I'm sure they all have done that to you.
But you know what? It doesn't really matter, I know, sometimes it gets hard to hear all of that shit, but trust me, you're more than that. Those things don't define you. Your beauty is more than just your body, skin color, weight and stuff. Your value is more than that. Nobody can tell you that you're ugly just because you have this body, your skin is like that, you're too skinny, you're too fat and whatsoever.

F*** them who tell you those harsh things.


So, I've been reading about this self-love lately, and it's so good for me. I'd recommend you to read all good stuff that makes you feel good about yourself.

Self-love is another way to say "Love yourself".
To have self-love, it's not easy, it takes time and efforts.
To have self-love means accepting ourselves as we are, feel comfortable as we are, feel good enough about ourselves, not comparing ourselves to others, not focus on society’s standards.

It's very important for us to remind ourselves that none is perfect. None. We, as a human, have strength and weaknesses, and it's okay. Each of us is unique. What makes us unique is ourselves.

To have self-love doesn't mean that we have the thoughts "I'm better than anyone else". It means having a positive mind about ourselves, knowing that we're worth all good things in this life, we have great values.

Before we continue, I want to tell you that you deserve to feel good and happy about yourself, no matter what. You do deserve it.
I know it's hard when you scroll down your timeline and there are some 'beautiful girls with long hair and nice teeth with no pimples' and you start to compare yourself to them. Baby girl, it's not good, don't compare yourself to others, leave that negative thing behind.

They're beautiful, so are you, you can be beautiful like you.

Note this, you can create your own definition of beauty. You can. You have rights to do that.

Having darker skin is okay.
Having pale skin is okay.
Being skinny is okay.
Being fat is okay.
Being too tall is okay.
Being too short is okay.
Feeling good about yourself and accept yourself, is more than just okay.

Your beauty is more than just having pimples on your face.
Being you and living in that body doesn't make you any less beautiful.
Keep these things above in your mind.

Oh, anyways, some people are much too often comment on me, myself. Sometimes I don't understand why having darker skin and being taller is a big deal for them. I mean, why?!?!?!?!?!
Why you gotta bother yourself commenting on my body and stuff?????????????????????? Does it annoy you that I feel comfortable with myself?????????????????????????????????????????????
They often tell me to see the dermatologist to get skin whitening.
I used to get upset over those stupid things, but not anymore.

I'm starting to create my own definition of beauty, accept myself and keep reminding myself that I don't need to feel bothered by society’s standards. I need to leave those things behind.

Recognizing the value of self-love is the most important step to improve your quality of life.

The more self-love you have for yourself, the better you're for yourself, happiness and life.

I have this special message to people who (usually) comment on me, I wear makeup because I feel good about it. I don't wear makeup because I feel good about it. I put mask because I feel good about it. I try to get rid of pimples because I want to and it makes me feel good about myself. I do something that makes me feel good about myself, not to impress any of you.
how I react to those people


F*** them who keep saying those harsh things. As long as you're comfortable with yourself, things are fine.

You have rights to feel comfortable with yourself.
Once again, note this, You do.

Having a self-love is important.
As important as you are.


Anyways, has someone told you that you're beautiful today?
I'd do that for you,
You're beautiful, yes,
You are.


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