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Showing posts from March, 2017

Depression kills you.

Hello guys, how's your day so far? I'm here to talk about something uncommon. Guess what it is... Yes, it's depression. What do you think about it? Is there something that pops up in your mind? No matter what you think about it, I want to assure you, it's not something you should hide from anyone, I assure you that it's okay to feel this thing. And I'm sure you're not the only one who survives this. Because I've been dealing with it, too. And it's okay. Some people think when you're dealing with it, it means you're crazy. But I'm here to prove you that you are wrong. There's popular misconception that depression is just being sad when something in your life goes wrong. When you break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, when you lose your loved one, when your pet dies, when you don't get the job you wanted, that's sadness. That's a natural thing in life. That's a natural human emotion. Real depression is b...

Masa Depan Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Profesi Guru Bahasa Inggris Masa Depan

Apa yang pertama kali ada di pikiran kalian ketika mendengar “ Bahasa Inggris ”? Apa kalian memikirkan tentang betapa susahnya mempelajari bahasa tersebut? Apa kalian mengira itu adalah hal yang keren dan sangat spesial ketika kalian bisa menggunakannya dan menguasainya? Nyatanya, di zaman sekarang, bahasa Inggris bukan lagi suatu hal yang sangat spesial. Melainkan suatu kebutuhan. “ loh mengapa demikian? ” jawabannya adalah selain bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa universal, yang diterima dihampir seluruh dunia dan hampir kebanyakan orang, bahasa Inggris juga dapat memudahkan kita dalam menghadapi persaingan di dunia pekerjaan nanti. Bahasa Inggris dapat membantu dan memudahkan kita dalam hidup di masa depan nanti. Di zaman yang serba canggih ini, tidakkah kalian ingin berteman, berbicara,  sekedar chatting dengan orang asing? Orang asing yang saya maksud di sini bukan makhluk luar angkasa, terlebih lagi alien-alien seperti di drama Korea. Orang asing yang saya maksud adalah ora...

Why am I here? Am I lost?

Hello guys, this will be my first post ever, because I just created this blog. I needed to create a new one because I've told to do so, yes, it's for my assignment. Besides the assignment that needed to be finished as soon as your eyes blink, maybe later on, I will share about anything to you, I'm not sure if it will be important, but I'm sure I love writing, especially about my thoughts on this life. I'm not professional writer nor thinker. And I will not say that I'm that good at writing. I just love writing, so much. Before my lecturer told me to do so, I've wanted it so bad, to create this blog. But, I had no idea how to start, what to write, because I don't get it, how it works. Once I'm signed up, my first impression on this is "what the????? How to operate this site? I seriously have no idea" alright, forget that. I will be better later, hopefully so. Enough for my unimportant ranting. I'm hoping that I will get better at writing...